Bruno Sant Anna Fioratti
Associate |
Real Estate
+55 11 3165 3088
Bruno Sant Anna Fioratti specializes in Real Estate Law, acquisitions and planning of diverse real estate operations; due diligence of urban and rural lands, for diverse exploration; engages in structuring of diverse real estate deals (acquisition documents and corporate structures); experienced at drafting of guarantees related to those operations; construction contracts; drafting and discussing of complex lease agreements, as well as built to suit agreements and shopping centers leases; experienced in adverse possession (usucapião) proceedings.
- LL.B., Law School of the Mackenzie University
- Masters Business Administration at Tax Management and Accountability at FIPECAFI/USP
- Specialization at Registration Law at GVLAW
- The Legal 500
FIORATTI, Bruno. Responsabilidade propter rem em matéria ambiental. In: Fábio de Souza Aranha Cascione; Rafael Fernando Feldmann. (Org.). Direito e Meio Ambiente. 1ª ed. São Paulo: Editora Primata Ltda., 2024, v. 1, p. 37-45.
FIORATTI, Bruno Sant Anna. Plataformas digitais para locação de imóveis. In: Fábio de Souza Aranha Cascione; Marcelo Padua Lima; Aaron Papa de Morais. (Org.). Direito e Tecnologia. 1ª ed. São Paulo: Editora LiberArs Ltda., 2019, v. 1, p. 105-111